Why Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?
By Administrator | | Personal Injury
There is more legal information online today than at any other point in history. Many accident victims wonder why they can’t handle their own claim. If they have any questions, they can just look online and get the answers they need, and this way they can avoid any legal fees.
In our experience, failing to hire a personal injury lawyer is the biggest mistake a person can make. There are so many factors at play in negotiating a settlement, and you would benefit from the individualized attention a personal injury lawyer provides.
An Attorney Properly Values Your Losses
The goal of any accident settlement should be to get the maximum compensation available for your injuries. But many people don’t have the first clue how much their injuries are worth. Here are some losses we can request compensation for:
Lost income
Loss of future income if you are permanently disabled
Medical care to treat your injuries
Future medical care if you are disabled
Property damage, like the cost to repair/replace your car
Pain and suffering
Mental anguish
Some of these losses are easier to calculate than others. For example, to value your medical care, hold onto all receipts and bills for:
Blood work
Diagnostic tests
Hospital stays
Doctor visits
Specialist appointments
Physical therapy
Prescription medication
Ambulance and other transportation costs
But other losses—like pain, suffering, mental anguish—do not have a price tag, so most victims don’t know how much to request. We do. We have negotiated countless settlements and have a promising idea how much you can receive.
An Attorney Handles All Paperwork
If you are in pain, the last thing you should worry about is filling out insurance claim forms, calling an insurer, and answering their questions. Instead, you should dedicate yourself 100% to your recovery.
As your lawyers, we will handle all these tasks for you. We will also be with you when you make a statement to the insurance companies about the accident. It is very easy to misspeak, and we can clarify any confusing questions or misstatements you make.
We Will Negotiate a Settlement
An insurance agent’s eyes will light up if they see you don’t have a lawyer. They think they can get you to accept a settlement that represents only a fraction of your losses. And they are right.
If an agent sees we are representing you, then they know none of their tricks will work on us. Instead, they will need to come to the table with a fair settlement and not drag out the process unnecessarily. We aren’t afraid to use Virginia’s insurance laws to our client’s benefit if we feel an insurer is negotiating in bad faith.
We Can File a Lawsuit
If an insurer absolutely refuses to make a fair offer, we might need to file a lawsuit in court. This is the only way to make the defendant pay for our client’s injuries. Without a lawyer, you might be at sea trying to navigate the judicial system. Judges, unfortunately, don’t have a lot of sympathy for those who are not represented by legal counsel.
To protect your right to compensation, contact The Jackson Law Group today. We offer a free consultation and can discuss your case more in depth.