How to Treat Head Injuries and Concussions after a Car Accident
By Reece | | Car Accident

Many motorists are hurt when they slam their head on something, like the window or dashboard. Others suffer concussions when their head is violently shaken, which is why so many have whiplash at the same time.
Treating these injuries is difficult—but critical for your recovery and well-being. Any bleeding in the brain could prove fatal as the pressure builds inside your skull. Even if you have a non-fatal injury, you will need plenty of medical care to ensure that you improve as much as possible. At The Jackson Law Group, our lawyers recommend that you do the following.
Head to the Hospital Immediately
Tell the doctor you were involved in a car accident. Also, tell them if you struck your head on anything. A doctor can ask you questions and based on answers, order diagnostic tests.
Not all brain injuries are the same. A moderate or severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) could render you unconscious. Your medical team can monitor your vital signs and provide ventilation or other support. Still, there might not be anything for them to do other than watch you until you wake up.
Brain bleeding is different. This type of injury could kill you if you do not receive immediate treatment. Historically, it has been hard for doctors to diagnose bleeding because there are no visual cues early on. They usually order an imaging test, like a CT scan, to see what is going on. If you have intracranial bleeding, then you could need immediate surgery.
Rest for Mild Concussions
If there is no risk of bleeding, then you might have only a relatively mild concussion. The most common symptoms include:
- Dizziness
- Neck stiffness
- Headaches
- Ringing in the ears
- Double vision
- Difficulty talking
- Memory loss, especially short-term memory
- Sleep disruption
- Imbalance
- Loss of coordination
Many doctors recommend resting at home. Physical rest involves avoiding strenuous activity, and cognitive rest includes avoiding electronic devices, reading, or work. Weeks and months could pass, however, before you see symptoms improve. There is no pill that can speed up recovery. But a doctor might prescribe medications to help with anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other symptoms.
Rehabilitation for Moderate to Severe Brain Injuries
The risk of permanent disability increases for someone with a moderate injury. In fact, 57% of those who suffered a moderate traumatic brain injury are disabled 5 years later. That statistic comes from the Centers for Disease Control, which also found that 33% needed to rely on other people for every task.
Rehabilitation can help accident victims improve their independence and quality of life:
- Physical therapy can strengthen muscles and improve balance and coordination.
- Behavioral therapy can address mood swings, depression, and mental health challenges.
- Speech therapy can improve the ability to communicate verbally. Speech therapy can also improve a person’s mood.
- Occupational therapy can teach a person how to do daily activities in new ways, like getting dressed, bathing, or cooking.
Call Our Brain Injury Lawyer
The Jackson Law Group has represented many brain injury victims seeking compensation following an accident. Please call us today. Our car accident attorneys can meet to discuss your legal options in greater detail.